CSI 3050 — Spring 2006— BST Project Assessment Rubric

Source Code Listings [80]
Complete, correct, readable, understandable and maintainable source code. Includes implementation classs BST and BTNode and JUnit test classes BSTTest and BTNodeTest.

Completeness [20]
Full Credit: Includes all required functions and capabilities. Includes tests for all required functions and capabilities. 75% Credit: Missing one or two minor capabilities. 50% Credit: Missing a key capability or multiple minor capabilities. No Credit: Missing. Very limited coverage. Off task.

Correctness [25]
Full Credit: Compiles and runs without error. Performs all required functions and demonstrates correct functioning of all required capabilities. 75% Credit: No compilation errors but fails a boundary case. 50% Credit: No compilation errors but fails general case or multiple boundary cases. No Credit: Missing. Syntax error. Off task.

Maintainability — Readability [10]
Full Credit: Easy to read formatting. Effective use of whitespace, indentation and comment placement. Meaningful symbol names. 75% Credit: Inconsistent formatting. Non-descriptive identifier names. 50% Credit: Major formatting problems. Incomprehensible. No Credit: Missing. Trivial. Off task.

Maintainability — Understandability [25]
Full Credit: Straightforward constructs. All classes, attributes, methods, return values and parameters clearly documented using Javadoc comments and @param and @return tags. Appropriate use of internal comments. 75% Credit: Generally comprehensible. Insufficient comments. Comments of limited value. Some odd programming constructs. 50% Credit: Confusing. Incomprehensible. No Credit: Missing. Trivial. Off task.

Reflection [20]
Personal insights and observations regarding the process of working on this assignment. Full Credit: Reflective. Insightful. Demonstrates critical thinking. Goes beyond the obvious. No spelling or grammar errors. 75% Credit: Descriptive rather than reflective. Minor spelling or grammar errors. 50% Credit: Unlabeled. Content unclear. Major spelling or grammar errors. No Credit: Missing. Trivial. Off task.